Instant Collaboration
For Remote Teams

All-In-One Place For Your Remote
Team Chat,  Collaborate And Track Project Progress.

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Your hub for teamwork

Project discussions, important documents, free food announcements : they all live tidily together in Team. With your team and information in one easily searchable place, collaborating  online is as easy as collaborating in person.

Simple task management

Task Management with team is as simple as it gets. No Complicated  layout and need for user  training. your team members will intuvitually know how to navigate the platform. it”s so simple a baby could do it !

Scheduling that actually works

Integrate Team Calendar with your favourite calendar app, be it Google  Calendar or iCal.Each team members work with their favourite calendar, while all the data is synced with the master calendar.

What people say about Team !

"Team App has completely transformed the way we communicate and collaborate within our organization. The ease of sharing updates, schedules, and documents has made our teamwork more efficient and productive than ever before."

Amy Goldberg
CEO at Coca-Cola

"Team App has become an integral part of our company culture. Its intuitive design and versatile features have encouraged active participation and engagement among our employees, fostering a sense of belonging and teamwork."

Jacob Jones
CMO at General Electric

"Being a volunteer group, coordinating events and tasks used to be challenging. Since adopting Team App, our volunteers are more organized and connected. It's simplified our planning and brought us closer as a team."

Bessie Cooper
Engineer at Nintendo

"I've used various team communication apps, but Team App stands out with its user-friendly interface and seamless navigation. It keeps our team connected, even when we are spread across different locations.

Adam Jones
Digital Marketing at Loreal